Las organizaciones : una perspectiva dialéctica


  • J. Kenneth Benson


Palabras clave:

Sociología organizacional, Organización, Industrialización, Aspectos sociales


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ALDRICH, Howard, "An Organization-Environment Perspective on Coop-eration and Conflict in the Manpower Training System", en A. Ne-gandhi (ed.), Interorganization Theory, Center for Business and Eco-nomic Research, Kent, 1972, pp. 49-70. , "Resource Dependence and Interorganizational Relations: Local Employment Service Offices and Social Services Sector Organiza-tions", Administration and Society,!, 4,1976, pp. 419-454. ALDRICH, Howard y Jeffrey Pfeffer, "Environments of Organizations", The Annual Review of Sociology, 2,1976, pp. 79-106. ALTHUSSER, Louis, For Marx, traducción de Ben Brewster, Vintage, Ran-dom House, 1970. ALTHUSSER, Louis y Etienne Balibar, Reading Capital, traducción de Ben Brewster, Nueva York, Pantheon, 1970. BACHRACH, Peter S. y Morton S. Baratz, Power and Poverty; Theory and Practice, Nueva York, Oxford University Press, 1970. BELL, Daniel, The Coming ofPost-Industrial Society : A Venture in Social Forecasting, Nueva York, Basic Books, 1973. BENDIX, Reinhard, Work and Authority in Industry, Nueva York, Harper and Row, 1956. BENSON, Kenneth, "Models of Structure Selection in Organizations: on the Limitations of Rational Perspectives", ponencia presentada en el Congreso Anual de la American Sociological Association, Denver, agosto de 1971. -, "The Analysis of Bureaucratic-Professional Conflict: Functional Versus Dialectical Approaches", The Sociological Quarterly, 14,1973, pp. 376-394. BENSON, J., Kenneth, "The Interorganizational Network as a Political Economy", The Administrative Science Quarterly, 20,1975, pp. 229¬249. BENSON, J., Kenneth y Robert A. Day, "On the Limits of Negotiation: a Critique of the Theory of Negotiated Order", ponencia presentada en el Congreso Anual de la American Sociological Association, Nueva York, septiembre de 1976.




Cómo citar

Benson, J. K. (1985). Las organizaciones : una perspectiva dialéctica. Estudios Sociológicos De El Colegio De México, 3(7), 85–116.
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